Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 15- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Enhance Fertility, Reverse Infertility by Understanding the Role of the Hormone Triangle
By Uzo Onukwugha

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

The number one cause of infertility is hormonal imbalance due to estrogen dominance over progesterone (hormone of pregnancy) and or testesterone. Many other causes of infertility stem from this root cause. The secondary causes include: anovulation (luteal phase deficiency), endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids, adenomyosis and tubal adhesions (to some extent).
The issue of chemical messengers and the biochemistry of hormone regulation is poorly understood by many fertility dotors. This is why most reproductive endocrinologist, infertility remedy doctors and Chinese medicine practitioners ignore the complex role of hormones in a woman's physiology and fertility promotion.
The key to understanding fertility in women (and men to some extent) is to know the concept of hormone triangle. The hormone triangle is formed by an imaginary line joining the thyroid gland in front of the neck to the adrenals on either side of the flank. At the center of the hormone triangle is the liver (the body's chief of staff). Outside this triangle is other supportive or contributory organs like the brain, ovaries, uterus, pancreas and the kidneys. However, our focus here is the hormone triangle and its contents. The key to achieving conception is indirect and are outside the reproductive organs like the ovaries or the uterus. Notice that the ovaries are the listed last as if to say that you must balance the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals before the reproductive organs work perfectly.
Therefore, infertility and fertility consideration must involve primarily:
1. The thyroid gland--Peak of the hormone triangle. 2. The liver (central to fertility)--Center of the hormone triangle. 3. The two adrenal glands--base of the hormone triangle. 4. The ovaries--Important organs of ovulation outside the hormone triangle.
The first organ we must evaluate when it comes to infertility is the thyroid gland. It controls everything from reproductive organ metabolism to libido. If the thyroid is not balanced, it is hard to achieve pregnancy or carry pregnancy to term. Unhealthy thyroid is responsible for series of miscarriages. (three or more miscarriages are classified as infertility). The thyroid regulates estrogen metabolism and a woman's mood. Twenty five percent of estrogen are degraded in the thyroid gland; 75% is eliminated by the liver.
The liver is central to fertility control. The liver is the president of the body and even controls human emotions. According to Chinese medicine, the liver controls ovulation. If you don't make the eggs, you cannot make the baby. The liver is also responsible to eliminating excess or bad estrogen from the system. If the liver is sluggish, pregnancy may be hampered. Remember that the liver is part of the gastrointestinal tract. So, the intestines are important in hormonal balance and fertility promotion. Therefore, healthy gastrointestinal tract and perfect liver is necessary to getting pregnant. My observation is that 95% of infertile woman tend to be constipated and don't make the attempt to cleanse their colon.
The adrenals or the suprarenal glands work closely with the thyroid gland. When the thyroid is sluggish or overworked, the two adrenal glands take over the slack. This is the organ responsible in combating stress and distress which is important in fertility and conception. The adrenals react to all forms of stress the same way by releasing stress hormones and cortisol which stimulates the bad estrogens (estradiol and estrone)that causes inflammation and infertility. Chronic low grade inflammation hurt the body and contribute to infertility by distupting a woman's biochemistry. The adrenals burn vital nutrients during stress. These nutrients are need to package and release the eggs from the ovaries.
Did you notice that the ovaries are outside the hormone triangle? The reason is that nature tends to balance the rest of the body before conception arrives. This means that the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals must be balanced before the ovaries. The body works in synergy. The interplay and interdependence of these other organs take care of the ovary and its hormones indirectly. Then the ovaries make the eggs that make the baby.
Thus the order or process of getting pregnant involves understanding first the hormone triangle. The thyroid works with the two adrenals and the liver. The ovary is last in fertility promotion. This is why it is difficult to conceive if the doctor did not consider the synergy, interplay and interdependence of the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals before the ovaries and ovulation leading to pregnancy.
Uzo Onukwugha blogs on reversing infertility and boosting a woman's fertility and runs: http://www.infertilityremedy.com. To learn more information, read more about how to cure infertility, boost fertility and get pregnant naturally without drugs or harmful procedures, check out his site outlined above.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Uzo_Onukwugha

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept. 11- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

The Pregnancy Miracle - Does it Really Make You More Fertile?
By Emma Jane White

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Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

So you want to get pregnant - and know if the pregnancy miracle works?

I'll come onto that in a moment but my answer will make more sense after you have heard my story.

Don't you find it amazing that you can spend the majority of your life trying to avoid getting pregnant only to find that when you do decide to try for a baby, it's not quite as easy as it may seem.

Not for me anyway. You see it took me over 10 months of trying and was getting very frustrated when noticing other women in the street walking around with bumps until a friend of mine at work recommended the pregnancy miracle.

Well, long story short, it worked for me!

There's something really cool I learned in this 271 page guide.

Vitamin A helps the body produce the proper amounts of cervical mucus in women, and protect sperm in males from damaging free radicals.

A deficiency in vitamin A is shown to reduce sperm volume and count, and can increase abnormal sperm, so it is suggested that both men and women get up to 10,000 IU of beta carotene.

The best foods to eat for this purpose include: carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, spinach, eggs, yellow fruits and vegetables, whole milk and milk products, dark green leafy veggies, and fish oils.

How good is that!

This is just one of the things I learned in the pregnancy miracle and there is loads more useful information like this to help prepare your body.

After just three further months of trying using the methods explained I am happy to say I am now four months pregnant.

Of course, if you really want it to work you should try and stick with the advice as much as possible and get into a routine otherwise you may be disappointed.

However, will the pregnancy miracle work you?

Of course, everyone's body is different so I encourage you to check out my blog, Pregnancy Miracle Review.

Do you think you really can get pregnant? Click here to find out -> http://how-the-pregnancy-miracle-worked.blogspot.com/.

I wish you the best of luck.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Jane_White

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept. 07- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Enhance Fertility, Reverse Infertility by Understanding the Role of the Hormone Triangle
By Uzo Onukwugha Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

The number one cause of infertility is hormonal imbalance due to estrogen dominance over progesterone (hormone of pregnancy) and or testesterone. Many other causes of infertility stem from this root cause. The secondary causes include: anovulation (luteal phase deficiency), endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids, adenomyosis and tubal adhesions (to some extent).

The issue of chemical messengers and the biochemistry of hormone regulation is poorly understood by many fertility dotors. This is why most reproductive endocrinologist, infertility remedy doctors and Chinese medicine practitioners ignore the complex role of hormones in a woman's physiology and fertility promotion.

The key to understanding fertility in women (and men to some extent) is to know the concept of hormone triangle. The hormone triangle is formed by an imaginary line joining the thyroid gland in front of the neck to the adrenals on either side of the flank. At the center of the hormone triangle is the liver (the body's chief of staff). Outside this triangle is other supportive or contributory organs like the brain, ovaries, uterus, pancreas and the kidneys. However, our focus here is the hormone triangle and its contents. The key to achieving conception is indirect and are outside the reproductive organs like the ovaries or the uterus. Notice that the ovaries are the listed last as if to say that you must balance the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals before the reproductive organs work perfectly.

Therefore, infertility and fertility consideration must involve primarily:

1. The thyroid gland--Peak of the hormone triangle.
2. The liver (central to fertility)--Center of the hormone triangle.
3. The two adrenal glands--base of the hormone triangle.
4. The ovaries--Important organs of ovulation outside the hormone triangle.

The first organ we must evaluate when it comes to infertility is the thyroid gland. It controls everything from reproductive organ metabolism to libido. If the thyroid is not balanced, it is hard to achieve pregnancy or carry pregnancy to term. Unhealthy thyroid is responsible for series of miscarriages. (three or more miscarriages are classified as infertility). The thyroid regulates estrogen metabolism and a woman's mood. Twenty five percent of estrogen are degraded in the thyroid gland; 75% is eliminated by the liver.

The liver is central to fertility control. The liver is the president of the body and even controls human emotions. According to Chinese medicine, the liver controls ovulation. If you don't make the eggs, you cannot make the baby. The liver is also responsible to eliminating excess or bad estrogen from the system. If the liver is sluggish, pregnancy may be hampered. Remember that the liver is part of the gastrointestinal tract. So, the intestines are important in hormonal balance and fertility promotion. Therefore, healthy gastrointestinal tract and perfect liver is necessary to getting pregnant. My observation is that 95% of infertile woman tend to be constipated and don't make the attempt to cleanse their colon.

The adrenals or the suprarenal glands work closely with the thyroid gland. When the thyroid is sluggish or overworked, the two adrenal glands take over the slack. This is the organ responsible in combating stress and distress which is important in fertility and conception. The adrenals react to all forms of stress the same way by releasing stress hormones and cortisol which stimulates the bad estrogens (estradiol and estrone)that causes inflammation and infertility. Chronic low grade inflammation hurt the body and contribute to infertility by distupting a woman's biochemistry. The adrenals burn vital nutrients during stress. These nutrients are need to package and release the eggs from the ovaries.

Did you notice that the ovaries are outside the hormone triangle? The reason is that nature tends to balance the rest of the body before conception arrives. This means that the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals must be balanced before the ovaries. The body works in synergy. The interplay and interdependence of these other organs take care of the ovary and its hormones indirectly. Then the ovaries make the eggs that make the baby.

Thus the order or process of getting pregnant involves understanding first the hormone triangle. The thyroid works with the two adrenals and the liver. The ovary is last in fertility promotion. This is why it is difficult to conceive if the doctor did not consider the synergy, interplay and interdependence of the thyroid, the liver and the adrenals before the ovaries and ovulation leading to pregnancy.

Uzo Onukwugha blogs on reversing infertility and boosting a woman's fertility and runs: http://www.infertilityremedy.com. To learn more information, read more about how to cure infertility, boost fertility and get pregnant naturally without drugs or harmful procedures, check out his site outlined above.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Uzo_Onukwugha

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sept. 05- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Help in Numbers - Understanding Infertility Statistics
By Angelica C Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author


An analysis of infertility statistics will give us a thorough, albeit surprising results of infertility data. Infertility, also known as Sterility, is a condition that affects both men and women; and is defined as the inability to conceive despite a year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. Pregnancies resulting in miscarriages also fall under infertility. Of the nearly 6 million pregnancies each year, 2 million result to pregnancy losses. About 40% of these losses are due miscarriages, another 10% result from ectopic pregnancies.

In 2002, 7.3 Million couples and cases of infertility were recorded. More than 12% of the reproductive population has had difficulties in conceiving and a majority of the women affected with Infertility are between the ages of 15 and 44. However, only 12% of this majority has sought treatment for the condition one way or another. Only 6% has sought medical advice, almost 6% sought help in miscarriage prevention and another 6% who have undergone fertility work out and treatment. The relatively small figures being charted in women seeking diagnosis and treatment for infertility reflect the common standpoint of which infertility is viewed as a long and lonely journey, especially for women.

The steep rise in the number of couples being affected by the condition has proved to be alarming. Yet the slow response to consultations, diagnosis, and treatments for infertility seem to be disproportionate to our infertility cases. This increasing trend has added pressure to the couples having difficulties in conceiving. Of those who are trying, the need to get pregnant is more than a physical or emotional want. It is also a psychological need, which forms man's desire to pro-create. The ability to produce an offspring is an issue being forced by society. To note, grappling with the possibility of infertility is already a difficult issue to digest. For couples who have been trying to conceive for several years, the possibility of infertility diagnosis is even harder to accept.

Taking the first step in seeking medical advice is a step taken only by a few of the affected, but fortunately, the numbers who have taken a step up after researches have provided increase statistics in successful pregnancies through assisted reproductive technologies.


Biological, emotional, psychological and environmental are pointed as to the factors affecting fertility in both men and women. About only 10% of purely emotional and purely psychological factors contribute to infertility cases. The 90% can be attributed to biological reasons like woman's age, egg quality and uterus conditions; men's sperm quality and count, tubal blockages and inherent reproductive defects.

Research has shown that about 20% of women between ages 15 and 44, who are diagnosed with infertility are also diagnosed with impaired fecundity. Impaired fecundity is the inability to carry in the utero once conception begins. Another 30% of the female infertility cases have been recorded to be due to ovarian abnormalities and hormonal imbalance (Diminished ovarian reserve, tubal blockages, ovulatory dysfunction and hormonal changes). A good 20% are caused by problems in the uterine like endometriosis, stenosis, irregular uterine shape and position and other uterine factors. Sexually Transmitted Diseases account for almost 25% of infertility cases.

Men who are diagnosed with infertility are often found to be victims of environmental factors like exposure to toxins, and lifestyle practices that include excessive smoking, excessive alcohol intake and drug intake. Hormonal imbalance, like over and lesser production of progesterone, inherent low sperm count, motility and sperm quality accounts for about 10% of male infertility.


Treatment for infertility is available world-wide. Ranging from prescription drugs like Clomid, to various fertility procedures like IUI and IVF, alternative therapy like acupuncture are readily accessible to couples who are struggling with infertility. These ovulation-inducing drugs (Clomid) increase the chances of a woman getting pregnant by 70 to 90 percent. Success rates for fertility procedures like IVF have gained increase in success rates. Embryo transfers have increased the percentage of live births by 22%; percentage of live births for women in all age groups increased by about 30%. The number of singleton births increased by a good 35%.

Get the Best Advice and Information on Infertility Statistics and everything you need to know about Infertility Symptoms and alternative treatment at:
>> http://www.NewInfertility.com

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angelica_C

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sept. 03- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Dealing With Infertility - How You Can Improve Your Chances of Becoming Pregnant
By Kyle Michael

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

Male infertility can be a little more difficult to diagnose than female infertility. The problem with diagnosing males is that the warning signs are a little more non-specific and harder to pinpoint. Aside from undergoing tests, it can be nearly impossible to determine a male's fertility level. With that being said, there are some red flags that could signal male infertility.
The first red flag is age. Male and female patients over the age of 35 experience a lower level of fertility. For women, the chances of conceiving become significantly less with age. At the age of 30 the average chance for conception is 20%, but by the age of 40 the chance falls to as low as 5%. The percentages for men are less exact as the fertility of males is determined by sperm counts and mobility.
For male patients the next test would be impotence or ejaculatory problems. If the male is experiencing either of these symptoms it is always a good idea to have a sperm analysis. Undergoing a sperm analysis can be a way to determine the viability of sperm. Sperm analysis or sperm count testing should be the first step in fertility testing if conception has not occurred in six to eight months. Having a sperm count analysis should be done early on in the infertility testing. By conducting this test, you can save a lot of headaches and money. Since gynecologists typically only analyze the female side of infertility, a sperm analysis can be overlooked.
Being overweight or underweight can also have an effect on fertility, as well. Poor diet and lack of exercise can contribute to male infertility. To check your body mass index, (BMI) find an online calculator and see where you fall.
Miscarriages can be a contributing factor to the fertility of a couple. Remember, infertility may not be the ability to become pregnant but the inability to conceive a full term pregnancy. If a couple has experienced three successive miscarriages, it could be an infertility diagnosis.
Some of the other red flags that may contribute to infertility should also be considered. These may include the history of illness with patients and STD history. If a patient has been treated for cancer in the past, it can contribute to fertility problems. Some cancer treatments can lead to fertility problems, especially if you or your partner have undergone radiation therapy near reproductive organs. A history of sexually transmitted diseases can also have an adverse effect on fertility. STD's such as chlamydia or gonorrhea can cause inflammation and blockage of fallopian tubes in females making pregnancy nearly impossible.
As I mentioned before, a patient's lifestyle can severely effect their ability to become pregnant. Tobacco, alcohol and drug use can be problematic when trying to conceive. Smoking has been linked to problems with conception in women and heavy drinking has been linked with female and male infertility.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with infertility, contact the Plano infertility clinic. The doctors at the Frisco Institute of Reproductive Medicine are the best fertility doctors in North Texas. Visit their site at Frisco infertility

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kyle_Michael

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sept. 01- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Different Causes of Male Infertility
By Joanne Reynolds

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

Infertility is when a couple is unable to get pregnant even when they are trying for at least a year without birth control. About fifteen percent of couples trying to get pregnant are infertile and about 1/3 of these infertile cases are caused by male infertility. Men find it difficult to accept that they have reproductive problems. These problems include low numbers of sperm count, low sperm quality, hormonal disorders, trauma, dysfunctional sexual functions, and obstruction. Fifty percent of male infertility cases are treatable.
Most of the symptoms of infertility in men are not actually visible. There may not be difficulties encountered during sexual intercourse or in getting an erection, or there might be normal ejaculation. Some signs like excessive hair growth may be a result of infertility. It would be better to consult a doctor and undergo laboratory tests and physical examinations to check hormone levels and sperm counts to be really sure of the diagnosis.
Possible Causes of Male Infertility
• Low Sperm Count - If a man has a sperm count of ten million and below per milliliter of semen, he can be diagnosed as having a low sperm count or concentration. The normal count for regular sperm concentration is twenty million or more.
• Irregular production of sperm - This will occur if there is something wrong in the processing of sperms in the testes. The sperm would find it difficult to reach the egg if its structure, shape, and size are hindering its movement.
• Blockage - If some obstructions are present in the testes tubes, there might be a very low sperm count in the semen during ejaculation.
• Varicocele of the Testicles - This is when there is a varicose vein, which can occur in the scrotum. It holds back the cooling of the testicles. This may be the primary cause of low sperm count.
• Dysfunction in the Pituitary Glands - If this gland does not properly invigorate the testes, it will result in low levels of testosterone.
• Sexual Dysfunctions - Problems encountered during sexual intercourse or those that hinder sexual performance can lead to infertility. These are difficulties in ejaculating, getting an erection, and low sex drive.
• Fetal Development problems - When both or one of the testicles do not descend from the abdominal area in the scrotum, these testicles will become warmer and will not be conducive in producing pregnancy.
• Defects in the Genes - Klinefelter's disease can cause abnormal processes in the testicles that can result in low sperm production.
• Lifestyle - A person's lifestyle can be very powerful in changing the body. Smoking alcohol, drugs, casual sex, and saunas should be avoided. These can decrease the sperm count and lower the quality of those sperms; thus, leading to infertility.
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Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanne_Reynolds

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 30 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles

What Causes Infertility? Go Figure it Out!
By Katherine P

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

Many couples find it difficult to conceive, as the sorrow that engulfs them also affects all other activities in the lives of these couples. Of late, couples who are affected by infertility problems are quick enough to seek the assistance of a medical practitioner to find ways for conceiving and in effect be blessed with a child.

When the couples tormented by this inability to conceive visits the medical practitioner, the causes of infertility identified by the practitioner takes various forms, and the right treatment is meted out when the causes are unearthed.

Infertility is not only a women's problem as it is also known to strike men. The most common of causes that lead to the inability to conceive happen to be the Ovulation and quality of egg, male-factor problems and blocked fallopian tubes.

Though there are several other factors that induce the inability to conceive, these three accounts for almost 90 percent related to the cases concerning infertility and specific guidance can be obtained from the medical practitioner with regards to these causes.

Ovulation and the quality of egg

The conditions related to this category include poor egg quality, PCOS or the polycystic ovary syndrome, irregular ovulation as well as failure to ovulation that can be the result of hormonal imbalances or deficiencies. When the inability to conceive is caused due to these problems, it mainly becomes an age-related problem, particularly in the case of quality of the egg getting deteriorated, which commonly is observed in women who cross 37 years of age.

Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Two fallopian tubes are known to offer a safe way for the traveling of eggs from ovaries to that of the uterus. Some of the defects that cause abnormal or blocked tubes include the scar tissue, PID or Pelvic inflammatory disease, damaged tube ends and endometriosis. While the ovulating gets done regularly, the blocked tubes makes it impossible for women to get pregnant, for the simple reason that the egg will not be in a position to reach the uterus, and in effect the sperm will not be able to meet the egg.

Male Factor problems

Men also get affected by infertility problems, which can be caused by the blockage that is experienced in the epididymis, or to put it simply, the blockage of the coiled tubes that stores as well carries the sperm from where it is stored in the testes, or due to the blockage of the vas deferens, which are the two tubes that help in carrying the sperm that is ready for ejaculation from that of epididymis.

There are other causes too that affect the males, as that of low sperm motility, poor sperm quality and sperm deficiency.

The other causes that lead to infertility includes the cases of miscarriage or even conditions that are unexplained. When the inability to conceive becomes a worrying factor for the couples, it is deemed ideal to consult a medical practitioner to find out the possible treatments and solutions that depends upon the specific cases, and with it try and get out of this worrying problem.

Even though following these tips will putt you on right track to get pregnant, there is one huge mistake you do not want to make.

Are you stuck in this area of your life? If you do not want to spoil all the handwork to get pregnant, find out how these tips can get you what you want.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine Platinum Quality Author

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katherine_P