Friday, July 30, 2010

July 31- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Pregnancy Miracle - The Review and Hopes For Women
By Vincent Pham and Vien Pham Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

A miracle is a thing that happens when there is no possibility of it happening in the real time. This mostly has some divine presence also. A pregnancy miracle is a one that talks about the many success stories of women around the world. Sometimes a woman comes to a conclusion that only a miracle should happen if they have to conceive. That will be the level of frustration as there won't be any hint of getting pregnant.

There are many women who would not consider any other alternative to the western medicine. But sometimes we have to give a try and you will wonder how it has produced positive results. This would then prove that Chinese medicine is not a hoax. This is one of the inexpensive ways to treat infertility and the amount spent on medicines can be used for other useful purposes. There is no need for any drugs and the method of conceiving would be natural.

Infertile woman seek the need for treatment to solve infertility after they find out their wait for a child through various means is in vain. Some women would have frequent miscarriages that not only takes a toil on their physical but also mentally they become so depressed. So leading them to the natural way of conceiving using these Chinese methods would prove to be fruitful.

Pregnancy miracle gives hope to thousands of woman who are waiting for some sort of guidance that can lead them to the pregnancy. After all, having a child is the only main goal of all women ultimately in their life. A life without a kid would be boring and aimless and point to no where in the future. It is better to think and act now as the time wasted already can be rectified at least now.

Please visit our site to read more about pregnancy miracle review at

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 29- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Infertility Helped With Tubal Reversal Surgery
By Debra Verville Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Infertility is something that is becoming more heard of as time goes on. The time suggested to seek help for infertility is after a couple has been actively trying to conceive for a year or more. Usually it is just a matter of timing and there are experts that can help to diagnose and help the couple become parents.

Infertility helped with tubal reversal surgery is for those who opted to become sterilized by blocking or damaging the fallopian tubes so that pregnancy could not occur. The chance of regret after tubal ligation does happen and the good news it can be reversed.

Although having a tubal ligation is a choice made by woman it is still considered a type or form of infertility. It was a decision that caused infertility but it can be just as heartbreaking if it was a decision that is regretted by the woman. Many times a woman will have a tubal ligation because she is in a bad relationship and does not want to bring anymore children in to the mix. But luckily for many life changes for the better and they have a second chance and this time with someone who truly care about them. One of the main reasons for tubal regret is because the new spouse has no children of his own.

Infertility helped with tubal reversal surgery typically has a great pregnancy success rate. The Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report 2009 has the information not only of age at time of reversal but also the factors for the type of ligation that was originally performed. The younger you are the better the chance of pregnancy success as long as the tubes did not sustain too much damage during the ligation procedure.

For many, tubal reversal surgery is able to give them a second chance or hope at beginning a family in a better situation and with love within the home. Tubal reversal specialists are highly trained surgeons that have spent years perfecting the surgery so that is it not only safe but has a pregnancy success that no other treatment can match. Tubal reversal surgery also has the added benefit that is the couple decides to continue on with baby #2 and on there is no other medical intervention needed as with other treatments. Many couples go on to add two or three more children to the household.

For those researching tubal reversal the more you know the better are able to understand the benefits as well as seek support form the medical community as well as those that have been on the journey.

Tubal Reversal Helps Infertility

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 27- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

How Does Acupuncture Help Infertility?
By Mary Elizabeth Robertson Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture has been around for a long time and was initiated in the East. It is a process in which thin needles are inserted into the skin and moved into certain points in the body, helping to alleviate pain and other medical conditions. Acupuncture is generally used to control blood pressure, because it stimulates the central nervous system. Endorphins are released into the body which relieve pain, which in returns gives your body a renewed feeling. Neurotransmitters and neurohormones are also released into your body; this process will help your body to heal on its own.

This is the main reason acupuncture and infertility treatments were studied as a perfect corollary treatment pair. The body needs to be relaxed and the uterus has to be in a healthy state to accept and nourish the transplanted egg.

When used together, acupuncture and infertility treatments can help treat hormonal balances. Increased blood flow to the vital organs and hormone levels become regulated making your overall body's system effective. Also it improves ovarian and follicular function. The endometrium's lining becomes thicker with higher blood flow. Acupuncture develops a higher rate for success of in vitro fertilization (IVF). More specialists are introducing acupuncture as part of their IVF treatments. IVF has shown a greater possibility of conceiving after the embryo transfer process when using acupuncture. Spasmed tubes can be treated with acupuncture; however blocked tubes cannot be treated using this method. Along with herbs, acupuncture is used to treat elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), repeated pregnancy loss, unexplained infertility, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia (when not caused by a prolactinoma), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with irregular cycles, and male factor including men affected with sperm-DNA-fragmentation.

Physical therapy and acupuncture carry the same attributes in that the body has the ability to heal itself over a period of time. Usually women are treated for three to four months prior to an insemination, IVF, or donor-egg transfer. Before and after embryo transfer, a woman should consider acupuncture treatments. There is more of a therapeutic effect the longer you participate in acupuncture before a fertility treatment. Fertility treatments are very stressful on the couple, more so for the woman. This can cause depression, anxiety and stress; however acupuncture can help reduce these issues. It is wise for a couple to try all aspects of infertility treatments, especially since acupuncture has such positive results.

Risks are low with acupuncture mixed with infertility treatments; however if the incorrect points in the body are hit, it could result in a miscarriage in a pregnant woman. It is very important to make sure that the acupuncturist is skilled in fertility disorders. Electo-acupuncture is a wonderful choice over old fashioned pain medicines; this can also lessen your stay in the hospital and make your medical bills shrink.

With the use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and traditional medical interventions, researchers say that these are the most effective of all fertility treatments. Medical interventions are necessary for conception, acupuncture and herbal medicines alone are not enough.

To learn more about this vital subject please visit our website for more information about acupuncture and infertility. Also be sure to sign up for our free Infertility Mini-Course on various aspects of the infertility problem.

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Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 23- 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Infertility Solution - The Most Effective Method to Cure Infertility

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 21 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles

A Discussion About Infertility Insurance
By Alvern Bullard Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Given the high cost associated with fertility treatments, many couples are interested in the topic of infertility insurance. This is ever relevant today, when more and more women are looking to conceive babies at older ages. After months of trying, it may be the case that a woman has to start undergoing fertility treatments in the attempt to conceive a baby. Her doctor would provide this direction.

There are a number of steps regarding health insurance coverage for infertility that a woman must take. To begin, she needs to obtain a copy of her health insurance contract. If coverage is given through an employer, a human resources person would have it. People with individual coverage should have a copy of the signed contract on their own. It is of note that the contract is a different document than the summary of benefits one.

Next, a woman needs to peruse the contract from the insurance company carefully to find out whether or not treatments for infertility are covered. Special attention needs to be given to the way that things are worded in the contract. If the language utilized does not explicitly say anything about a specific treatment being excluded, then a person can argue that the health insurance should technically cover it.

After reviewing the insurance contract in detail, a woman needs to make sure that she even qualifies for infertility treatments. Even those states in the US that are required to pay for particular treatments can mandate that a woman try to conceive on her own for a certain period of time before she is granted coverage. If the coverage is through an employer, she may also have to work at the same job offering the coverage for a period of time before even qualifying for the treatments.

When a person is reasonably sure that the infertility treatments will be covered, she should always call her insurance company to get any treatments pre-authorized before they are performed. It is best to do this as a precaution even if she is told that the pre-authorization is not necessary as opposed to having the procedure payment denied.

In addition to the above, a woman needs to document all medical appointments and procedures that she had as related to trying to conceive a baby. Copies of prescriptions for fertility drugs should also be kept. All of this is needed as if the insurance company denies any claims related to infertility issues, then the woman will have a clear record of her medical history ready.

Last but not least, a patient should ask her doctor to put together letters for the insurance company. A doctor's word explaining the necessity of certain procedures can be far more substantial and powerful than a patient's trying to appeal a denial of benefits herself.

In conclusion, infertility benefits are a topic of great interest to many women today, especially in light of the countless numbers of older women looking to conceive babies today. A number of steps are required for a woman to make sure that she has the infertility insurance that she needs in her attempt to conceive a baby.

Need more info on infertility insurance cover? Get the ultimate low down instantly and exclusively on

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 19 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles

Natural Cures For Female Infertility - Tips For Naturally Curing Female Infertility
By Sarin Carlson F

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Nowadays, there are a number of surgical and medical methods that can cure infertility in women. Yet, it is strongly suggested to utilize natural cures for female infertility since they are likely to be more safe and effective.

These natural cures in treating infertility in women are gaining more and more popularity among females who want to have a baby. Aside from the guarantee of safety and effectiveness, these natural cures for female infertility are virtually inexpensive as compared to majority of infertility treatments.

To help you to get pregnant naturally, here is a list of natural cures that may aid your infertility problem:

1. Banyan roots - this herb is dried under the sun for a couple of days and made into a fine powder by grinding. The best time to drink this herb made into a tea is after having your monthly period and be certain to prevent from consuming any food after drinking it. This routine should be done for about 12 months.

2. Yoga - this form of exercise is also suggested to cure infertility. You can sign up for a yoga class so that you may learn various postures that can aid in increasing the possibilities of getting pregnant.

3. Jamun leaves are another herb that can aid in curing infertility. You can easily consume this herb or mix with honey if you cannot stand the taste.

4. Consume regular dosage of essential vitamins such as vitamin C, zinc and vitamin E.

5. To maintain your body healthy and make it prepared for pregnancy, you may need to eat a lot of green vegetables, fruits, nuts, curd, cheese, sprouts, honey, beans, grains, nuts and seeds.

6. Winter cherry must be dried under the sun and ground into a powder. You can consume milk with about 6 grams of powdered winter cherry after your monthly period. Perform this routine for one week then stop. After one month, repeat the same procedure.

Do you want to get pregnant within 3 weeks from now? If yes, then I suggest you use the techniques recommended in this infertility treatment guide: Pregnancy Miracle, to significantly increase your chances of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy kid.

Click here ==> Pregnancy Miracle Review, to read more about this Natural Infertility Cure Guide.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 17-2010 All About Infertility Articles

US Infertility Statistics

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 15-2010 All About Infertility Articles

Infertility Support Groups

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 13-2010 All About Infertility Articles

Reduce Infertility Stress - What You Can Do and How it Will Help

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 11-2010 All About Infertility Articles

7 Chinese Herbal Infertility Treatments and Why You Need Them
By Helen Reicher Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Female infertility is most often caused in the ovulation cycle. Blocked egg passing, or that there is no egg to pass, result in preventing pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance (with age), endometriosis, bacterial infections, and uterine fibroids are known to cause these. Pregnancy requires that the egg originates, enters the uterus, and then affixes to the uterine wall.

Often the infertility is the result of a woman's choices in lifestyle and the environment she lives in. Bad diet, excessive weight, or underweight, are definite contributors to this as the body requires proper nutrition to maintain and ovulate healthily. Beyond that, nutrition is also required to bring the fetus through the pregnancy until delivery. You should avoid fatty foods while attempting to become pregnant.

Diets that include plenty of vitamin D, calcium, protein, zinc and other generally required vitamins/minerals will give you a better chance of successful fertilization. If you are having troubles, maximizing your healthy diet will probably be required. Even without, it is a good idea. Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking impact the growth of the uterine lining, and thus can effect ovulation.

They also increase stress which can have an impact on the entire body and causes issues that can prevent fertility. Exercise can be great at other times, but in excess it at this time can affect hormones in ways that can keep you from becoming pregnant. Damage left behind from uterine and pelvic inflammation from certain sexually transmitted diseases can also be an issue.

Infertility in Men is usually related to their absence of their sperm, or low quality within it. Other than genetic factors, many female infertility causes also apply to men. They also need to focus on diet and allowing their organs to produce to optimal levels. Many today are finding herbal alternatives effective towards infertility. These treatments cost less, and have few side effects. They are making ground on medical treatments such as UIU and IVF which are both expensive and carry severe side effects.

The Chinese have been using herbal alternative treatments for millennia with favorable results. They have extracted these herbs from plants, roots, flowers, bark and berries to provide effective treatment for many conditions. Rather than treating the symptoms (infertility), they aim at correcting the issues that cause it. Among these are sperm mobility, hormonal imbalances, and unequal periods.

Female infertility is often treated with Red clover. It improves the uterus through its vitamins while relaxing the nervous system. Raspberry leaves are often mixed with it in a tea adding calcium to assist hormone balance influence too. Lady's mantle has been used to repair uterine lining and ovulation regulation with some success.

False unicorn root has been used to stimulate the ovaries (causing them to ovulate). Regulation of hormones, periods, and ovulation has been attained with stinging nettle (with its concentrated chlorophyll and minerals). All of these can be ingested as a tea for easiest daily consumption. Male infertility is often treated with astralagus which aids increasing both sperm count, and its mobility.

Another common remedy in Chinese Medicine is Panax Ginseng (Chinese Ginseng) which does this and also increases testosterone. While western medicine has looked down on herbal remedies, for many centuries the Chinese have been using them in the treatment of fertility problems. Many modern studies on herbal treatments are showing they are quite effective. While there are many more studies to go, many in the Americas are now using herbal remedies to aid their fertility problems. They are having successes as testing continues to reveal more.

As with any health related issue, you should definitely get professional advice before doing anything that could have a negative impact without proper use. For typical pharmaceutical remedies, you would go to a doctor. With herbal ones you should seek a holistic doctor who is just as informed of alternative medicine with specialization in fertility issues. Their training will have taken as much education and practice as a medical doctor, but specialized in a holistic approach.

Helen Reicher is a freelance writer offering professional writing services on a wide variety of topics. For information and to contact Helen, please visit

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 09-2010 All About Infertility Articles

Male Infertility Causes and Other Issues

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 07-2010 All About Infertility Articles

Pregnancy Miracle - Can You Really Get Pregnant Fast With Pregnancy Miracle?
By Suzanne Webb-Brikas

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pregnancy Miracle has been helping women struggling to get pregnant even after years of traditional fertility treatments. The reason for this is that conventional methods simply pump your body full of hormones to hopefully produce a fertile atmosphere, and do not have a very good success rate. In fact, many couples spend their life savings on fertility treatments, only to end up heartbroken, childless, and rack up ridiculous debts. Pregnancy Miracle focuses on changing your body naturally so that your fertility is at its peak, increasing your chances of conceiving.
No drugs or surgery is promoted in this ebook. Simply dietary and environmental changes that you need to make in order to get rid of the things that are creating your body's fertility problems. As every woman's body is different, there are factors that are different for each individual relating to their infertility. That's why knowing about just one of these factors can mean the difference between remaining infertile, and planning your delivery.
When you are trying to get pregnant, knowledge is everything. Educating yourself about every reason your body might be fighting conception should be your first plan of action. Most traditional doctors prefer the scientific facts over sometimes mystical ancient Chinese methods. They may just tell you what the tests tell them: you can't conceive. Sometimes they don't even know why. They call this unexplained or "idiopathic" infertility. This "diagnosis" is given to up to 20% of couples struggling with fertility. This may be due to ovarian cysts, or premature ovarian failure, countless other reasons. For many women, a holistic approach becomes the answer they are looking for.
Has Pregnancy Miracle worked for countless women? Yes. Will it work for you? I can't promise you that. Lisa Olson (the author of the book) warns that while many women following her program will get pregnant quickly within two months, there are some women for whom it will take longer. I'm sure there are some that this book will not help, but you won't know unless you give it a chance. We all want to have healthy babies, but for some reason it just doesn't happen for some. My heart goes out to those women. It is my great hope that this book will help as many women as it can.
Is it worth the money? Well, considering that the book is sold through the Clickbank network, who offers customers a 100% money back guarantee for 60 days, I would call it completely risk free. If you find yourself pregnant in 2 months, I would say it was well worth it. If not, get your money back, and you haven't lost anything. I have never had a problem getting my money back through Clickbank.
For more information on this ebook, the Clickbank refund process, or to claim your Pregnancy Miracle Bonuses only available in one place, visit today.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 01-2010 All About Infertility Articles

2 in Home Remedies For Infertility to Get You Pregnant in Less Than 2 Months