Monday, June 28, 2010
June 28 -2010 All About Infertility Articles
By Susan A. Ward
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Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Infertility is generally defined as the inability to produce an offspring. With the constant developments in technology, a lot of new solutions to this old dilemma are now available. One can opt to either do intrauterine insemination (sperm is placed inside the female's reproductive tract), or in vitro fertilization (fertilization occurs outside of the body in a glass dish, also called IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (injection of sperm into the egg). But there is a way to resolve infertility that has been tested by time, and that is acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a part of Eastern medicine that has been around for ages. In acupuncture tips of fine needles are inserted at specific body points in order to treat pain or disease or conditions, such as infertility. Acupuncture establishes healthy body function through restoring the natural circulation of energy by using needles for stimulation. Acupuncture triggers the release of the neurochemical 'endorphin' which reduces pain and results to positive mood. Along with that neurohormones and neurotransmitters also flow to the body - these chemicals serve as aids for the healing process.
The use of acupuncture as a cure for infertility has been documented in old Chinese writings of medical nature. Aside from typical needle insertions, it also included exercises to improve energy flow in one's body. However, because of the modernization of acupuncture, it is now practiced along with other infertility treatments in order to handle issues like hormonal imbalance.
Acupuncture is typically compared to the rehabilitative process of physical therapy. Experts recommend that an ideal fertility treatment should involve combination of acupuncture with herbal medicine and conventional medical interventions. In modern acupuncture women are treated for about three to four months before undergoing another type of infertility therapy such as in vitro fertilization and the like. It is also suitable for women who are about to or has already undergone embryo transfer.
But, similar to other forms of remedy, acupuncture may present a few risks. The biggest gamble when someone is undergoing acupuncture as a supplement with other infertility treatments is the probability of a miscarriage that may be caused by pressing of incorrect points in the expectant mother. This is the principal reason why it is best to have an acupuncturist who has a good knowledge in the treatment of fertility disorders.
Even though there are probable drawbacks, to compensate, modern acupuncture for the treatment of acupuncture has a lot of advantages as well. First and foremost, it efficiently regulates and generally manages the body's normal functioning due to its result of increase blood flow to the different organs. Secondly, acupuncture assists the progress of the formation of a thick lining in the inner membrane of the uterus as it increases blood flow to it. Thirdly, it improves the functions of the ovaries and follicles.
Another important advantage of acupuncture is its participation in enhancing the success rate of in vitro fertilization. It has been confirmed that there have been quantifiable developments in the process of embryo transfer during in vitro fertilization which results to a greater possibility of pregnancy. In these days some fertility centers and specialists have included the use of acupuncture as a substantial part of their in vitro fertilization treatment. One other great benefit of acupuncture is its part in the cure of fertility problems such as spasmed tubes. Acupuncture helps de-spasm these troubled tubes.
Still another positive point about acupuncture is that it works well along with herbs in the treatment of various physiological conditions like elevated follicle stimulating hormone (regulates reproductive process of the body), repeated pregnancy loss, luteal phase defect (pregnancy cannot be sustained due to the breaking down of the uterine lining which results to menstrual bleeding and then causes miscarriage), polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS (irregular menstrual cycle), sperm-DNA-fragmentation in men and hyperprolactinemia when the cause is other than prolactinoma (presence of abnormally high-levels of prolactin in the blood).
However, though great results have been recorded, it is still best to consult your physician and get their recommendation before trying out acupuncture.
Susan A. Ward is infertility expert. For more great information on acupuncture, visit
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 24 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
A couple must take into consideration the cost of infertility treatments, since the cost can really get high, with the cost of infertility drugs reaching into the thousands. Some of the more technical procedures can lead a couple to expenses in the tens of thousands per treatment. These include treatments such as intracytoplasmic sperm injections, in vitro fertilization or gamete intrafallopian transfer.
Just reviewing the some of the most common treatments will make you aware of the costs of trying to have a baby. These numbers are staggering all by themselves, and when you consider that most couples have to have a few treatments before they are successful, you can see how expensive this elusive dream can become.
The American Society of Reproductive Medicine has supplied a list of the average prices of the typical ARTs (Artificial Reproductive Techniques) such as:
-Average cost of an IUI (intrauterine insemination) cycle: $865; Median Cost: $350
-Average Cost of an IVF (invitro fertilization) cycle using fresh embryos (not including medications-medications for IVF are $3,000 to $5,000 per fresh cycle): $8,158; Median Cost: $7,500
-Average additional cost of ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) procedure: $1,544; Median Cost: $1,500
-Average additional cost of PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) procedure: $3,550; Median Cost: $3,200
These procedures can rack up a bill very rapidly, so implementing a plan of action would be a good idea. You may get lucky and the treatments are included into your regular health care plan; however not all plans cover these types of procedures and it may cost you extra to find insurance on your own that does. This will add to the initial cost, since you have to pay for a separate premium per month,. You need to be careful when choosing though; some policies won't cover you if you have a pre existing problem of being able to conceive.
Other than the cost for infertility insurance, there may be other costs as well. Some fertility clinics and specialists have different plans available such as a refund plan, that is where you are reimbursed for the procedure in part or full if the treatment is not successful. The other is a type of a loan that you take out from a lender. This is a specific loan for this type of treatment through a bank- if it fails, you may be able to get part or all of your loan back.
The first part of treatments that doctors will go over with their patients are fertility drugs. If you are good with research and have a computer, you should be able to find them online at a discount.
Some couples can only dream of having a baby, and some actually are able to put their dream into action. This is a very costly thing to do; it can wipe out savings or even money that you have saved for a home of your own. In the long run it is well worth the cost.
To learn more about this vital subject please visit our website for more information about the cost of infertility. Also be sure to sign up for our free Infertility Mini-Course on various aspects of the infertility problem.
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Friday, June 18, 2010
June 18- 2010 All About Infertility Articles
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Coping with infertility is not an easy thing to do. You may find your marriage (and even your friendships) struggling because of it. Surrounding yourself with supportive, non-judgmental people is a great way to begin. Having a good support system is key. You also need to sort through (and face) your feelings- it's quite normal to have feelings of loss, grief, anger, shame, and even jealousy. It's important to realize that these are very normal feelings in this situation. Do not beat yourself up over this!
That being said, it's equally important not to allow these feelings to take over your life. Therapy might be a good idea if that's the case. There is no shame in getting yourself help to deal with this. It's a sign of strength. It's also possible to experience marital problems because of infertility. One way to overcome this is to put some fun back into your marriage. Go out with your husband, have fun. Do things that you used to do and enjoy. Remember why you fell in love with your husband, and try to get that spark back. This puts the focus back on your marriage and makes you a stronger couple.
Realize that some of your friends may not know what to say or do about this.It doesn't mean that they don't care. Most of us have a very hard time knowing exactly how something feels unless we've been there ourselves, whether it's coping with infertility, or anything else in life. Try to spend time around your friends that are so much fun, it's hard to concentrate on anything negative. Coping with infertility is by no means an easy thing to do, but with the right support, you can get through anything life throws your way!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June 16 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles
By Putra Ramadhan
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Has your doctor diagnosed that you suffer from unexplained infertility and have tried any kind of treatment but keep on failing to cure infertility? Have your medical physician told you that you have very little potential to get pregnant because of low egg quantity or irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation failure? If so, you're not alone because there are also other thousands of women out there that have been diagnosed to suffer from infertility, and the majority of them try very hard to look for infertility solution. Many women out there don't have enough knowledge about infertility and hence trust to what doctors order to them for example, consuming constant medication to cure infertility. We know that constant medication may be able to also give infertility solution. But there is still a better and proven infertility solution that does not use any drug to cure infertility so it has no side effects and you can get pregnant naturally.
An easy infertility solution that you can practice is planning diet program and changing lifestyle. Based on studies, eating disorders can also cause the potential of infertility over 30%. Creating controls to ones eating plan will be able to reestablish hormonal plus reproduction functioning by way of nutritional vitamins and well balanced meals. These controls must be followed strictly to help you transform your body system into a healthy and balanced unit which is well-prepared to get pregnant. Even though hiring a nutritionist for your diet program requirements is often costly, an effective conception diet program is fairly simple and easy and I will recommend you some foods which have been proved to assist many females to transform their body systems and deliver a birth.
If you want to increase your fertility, you have to eat alkaline foods such as, vegetables plus no citrus fruits that can provide the reproduction system with the proper PH with regard to better opportunity at pregnancy. Even, ensure that you eat essential fatty acids available in deep-sea fish and plant sources which are organic. Fatty acids help in much better ovulation, specifically Omega-3 fatty acids.
It is also recommended that you change your lifestyle in order to increase your opportunities at pregnancy. These changes can be done by getting rid of nicotine, alcohol and caffeine from your eating plan totally. These kinds of stimulants can cause eggs resistant to fertilization as well as substantially age the ovaries that may decrease the opportunity to get pregnant by 50%. It is best to plan to a 100% clean diet program which includes organic foods with no unnecessary stimulants plus prescriptive medication. This method simply has become a bit of the puzzle associated with maximizing fertility opportunities. I also recommend you to use traditional Chinese medications (TCM) to cure infertility permanently and speed up getting pregnant. These medications have also been proven to give infertility solution to thousands of women in over 113 countries.
If you want to learn how traditional chinese medications cure your infertility permanently and speed up getting pregnant, just visit infertility solution or
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Monday, June 14, 2010
June 11 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles
If You Are Seeking a Natural Infertility Option, You Must Read This Article!
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Do you want to conceive? Are you looking for a way to end your infertility problem?
In this article we will discuss what infertility is and options that will enable you to conceive regardless of your infertility.
Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that impairs the conception of children. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least 1 year without success. Conception and pregnancy are complicated processes that depend upon these factors: the production of healthy sperm by the man; healthy eggs produced by the woman; unblocked fallopian tubes that allow the sperm to reach the egg; the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg when they meet; the ability of the fertilized egg (embryo) to become implanted in the woman's uterus; and sufficient embryo quality.
Studies show, that couples have difficulty conceiving because of daily stress and anxiety about getting pregnant. The best course of action is to take things easy and enjoy physical intimacy without the pressure of making a baby out of it.
Nevertheless, if there are no positive results after having regular and unprotected sex for more than 12 months, consult a doctor for various infertility treatment options. Most doctors will advise starting with the least invasive and inexpensive options such as fertility drugs and surgery, which after failing will recommend more high-tech and advanced assisted reproductive technologies.
Here are some options to enable infertile couples to conceive:
1. Use fertility drugs such as clomiphene and gonadotropins are generally designed to regulate the reproductive hormones and stimulate ovulation. They are often the first treatment option for infertile women as they are relatively easy to use, safe and have a relatively high success rate.
2. Surgery is another option because female infertility is also often caused by damage in the Fallopian tubes. There are two main surgical procedures to treat this problem. Fimbrioplasty is used to open up a blocked Fallopian tube by peeling back the fimbriae, the finger-like sections that may have been fused together at the opening of a Fallopian tube, preventing eggs from passing through. Tuboplasty is performed using a balloon catheter that is inserted down the Fallopian tube. The balloon at the end is inflated to clear the tube.
3. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) previously known as artificial insemination is a procedure in which sperm are artificially put in a woman's uterus through a catheter. The egg and sperm are produced naturally but the sperm needs help getting to the uterus. This fertility treatment option is commonly used when a woman's cervical mucus kills off sperm or when couples can't have intercourse.
Here's the most effective natural infertility remedy of them all -
This method is so powerful you'll be able to get pregnant in the next 60 days or less despite all infertility issues and even if you are already in your 40's. By following this one simple trick, you'll be able to finally have the beautiful, healthy baby you always wanted. I strongly advise you to discover this amazing remedy on the next page - Click Here
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Friday, June 11, 2010
June 11 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Many couples struggle with infertility and the number of infertility cases seems to only be on the rise. The statistics show that 25% of all couples will have problems conceiving. When fertility problems occur, couples turn to fertility treatments.
Conventional Verses Natural Medicine
Treating fertility problems through conventional methods is often difficult. This is due to the fact that most fertility problems are not explainable. Conventional medicine aims to treat a specific cause, so if the cause of infertility is unknown then conventional treatments are not always effective.
An alternative option is a natural approach to treating fertility issues. Natural fertility treatments have had very promising results. This is largely because natural fertility treatments do not focus on treating just one specific cause, but rather treat the body as a whole. Natural medicine tends to have an approach of treating the whole body to cure a problem and create custom treatments for each individual. This works perfectly for fertility issues.
Natural Treatment Options
There are many different natural treatment options for fertility problems. Here are some different options that you might want to consider if you have an interest in natural fertility treatments.
- Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a Chinese medical technique that involves inserting needles at specific points on the body. While this may sound painful, it is actually quite painless. Acupuncture helps to reduce stress and relaxes the body. This is thought to help the overall health and help the reproductive system.
- Herbs. Herbs have a common use in many types of natural medicine treatments. Many ancient medical practices use herbs to aid in treatment for infertility. There are many different herbs that have a use in treating infertility, but some show more promise than others. Herbs, like Black Cohosh, Nettle leaf, raspberry leaf and Dong Quai, have shown great results in treating all types of fertility problems.
- Special diets or diet changes. The foods we eat can cause a great deal of changes and can lead to problems within the body. The natural approach to treating fertility problems often relies heavily on getting the body in the best shape possible since it has been proved that a healthy body has less problems, especially fertility related problems. Adopting a healthy diet can be very good for fertility.
Eating organic foods and food loaded with nutrients should make up the bulk of your diet. You should also avoid foods that are not healthy. You want to cut down or eliminate foods that contain a lot of fat, sugar and foods that provide no nutritional value. I would also recommend to see which fertility vitamins you could take to supplement your diet.
Treating fertility problems naturally can be the answer that you have been searching for. Natural treatments are all about getting your body healthy and encouraging your body to function properly. There is no use of medicines, no evasive medical procedures and no costly procedures involved.
Natural treatments give you options that are good for your body, that encourage natural processes and help you to become healthier. The natural approach to treating fertility is for everyone. No matter what is causing your fertility issues, natural remedies can be the way for you to finally conceive. There is more in depth info on what Treatment for Infertility could serve you when you click on the underlined text.
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
June 08 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
What thoughts were running through your mind when you were diagnosed as infertile? Did you feel a bit inadequate? Trust me, I know exactly how you feel, as I also have rode the emotional roller coaster known as infertility too. I went through years of pain and anguish trying everything under the sun to get pregnant. There was nothing more in the world that I wanted than to have a baby I could love and hold.
My desire to be a mother took me to great lengths as I endured several expensive and painful surgeries as well as a litany of fertility drugs. Much to my dismay nothing on the medical side worked... So I decided to check out different home remedies for infertility that I had been hearing about as I was not about to give up on my dream of becoming a parent. And I have something super exciting I want to share with you!
I discovered some holistic secrets that helped me to get pregnant naturally and so can you! As a matter of fact these methods are so effective that I was able to conceive within a matter of weeks after using them. Below you'll find the most powerful holistic tips that I discovered so that you can use them yourself:
1) Body cleansing: our bodies are wonderful machines that were designed to work under optimal conditions. This is most important when pregnancy is concerned. In order to conceive, a perfect symphony of hormones, vitamins, and minerals need to be present, or your body will not allow for the production of a baby. Since our current culture is structured around convenience, there are numerous toxins we ingest every day. The most effective way to cleanse your body is through a healthy diet fortified with vitamins and by getting regular cardiovascular exercise.
Now this doesn't mean that you must undertake a massive overhaul of your entire life. Start small by changing one meal or just taking a walk with your spouse
every night.
2) Changing beauty products: Many cosmetics contain the chemical Paraben, which is a known to disrupt the necessary hormonal balance needed to become pregnant. Paraben can commonly be found in deodorant and shaving cream. They are very dangerous as the FDA lists them as a possible carcinogen and recent studies have linked to them to a heightened risk of breast cancer. A quick check through of your beauty products is definitely in order if you're experiencing problems getting pregnant. This chemical alone can keep you from ever conceiving.
3) Eliminate certain beverages entirely: I'm the kind of person who likes a good glass of wine every now and then, so I was totally shocked to discover that any amount of alcohol consumed can lower your odds of conception by 50% or more.
Getting rid of alcohol for at least three months prior to attempting conception will give you the strongest chance of getting pregnant. Another beverage you are going to need to ditch is coffee. Studies have shown that drinking as little as one cup per day can decrease your ability to have a baby by half or more, just like alcohol. These two areas can be very difficult to change, but please consider your parental goal in making this small and limited sacrifice.
Here's the most super secret of home remedies for infertility on the planet -
Using this little know technique will ensure you conceive within sixty days...even if you have reached your forties and despite any infertility issue. You'll deliver healthy, beautiful babies just by following this one simple method. I implore you to discover this hidden way to natural conception on the following page - Click Here
Saturday, June 5, 2010
June 05 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Are you having issues with unexplained infertility? There are many women who are medically alright to conceive but could not get pregnant thereby denying them the joy of becoming mothers. This can be so frustrating. You have been trying for months or even years to have your own baby without success. You could be wondering 'what is wrong with me'? The truth is that many a time we are the architects of our own misfortune which results in this unexplained infertility. Unexplained infertility can be solved by making some changes and adjusting our lifestyles.
There are many things that many women indulge in that can hinder them from getting pregnant. Chief among these reasons is not knowing their ovulation date or period. The Ovulation period is a woman's most fertile period in which if sexual intercourse is well timed will result in conception of a baby. Most women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days, in which ovulation is likely to occur between 12-16 days (after the monthly period stops) with day 14 being the most fertile day although this varies among women. You can also predict your ovulation by getting an ovulation predictor kit. The major advantage of an ovulation kit is that it can give you a yes or no answer. You can get the kits that tests for saliva instead of urine as they are more cheaper and you can reuse them again and again to see changes as they occur.
Unexplained infertility can also be caused by our diets. Eating foods that contains high levels of sugar, preservatives, MSG, artificial colorings, or worse still, eating the ones that causes extreme hormonal imbalance can cause unexplained infertility in women as they hamper the body from having the correct chemical environment for conception to take place. Avoid heavily processed foods like packaged and canned foods. Stop abusing alcohol and stop smoking as they greatly reduces the chances of conception and damages your health.
When trying to get pregnant, try and eat lots of raw and organic foods like fruits and vegetables, cauliflower and broccoli etc. This matters a lot as they create help in detoxifying the body and creates the right chemical environment for conception to take place.
Further more, being overweight or underweight can be a source of unexplained infertility as having the correct body mass index improves a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Indulge in exercises for at least 30 minutes daily as this helps in keeping the body in a tiptop situation. More so, avoid being stressed up, relax, take a holiday if possible as all these helps in boosting your system and to cap it all, always have sexual relations with your partner if possible everyday.
In conclusion...
If you are currently trying to get pregnant with a fertility program that isn't working, then you need to click here to learn more about the successful program known as pregnancy miracle that has helped thousands of couples of conceive in as little as 2-6 months.
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
June 02 - 2010 All About Infertility Articles
By Aaren Humpherys and Heather Humpherys
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy MiracleA Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Are you finding it difficult getting pregnant and not sure what you can do about it? We spent 7 years trying to get pregnant and finally, thanks to advances made in technology, we were able to finally give birth to twins. Female infertility treatment is no longer limited to a few programs. Now, there are multiple options available to women who want to achieve the dream of motherhood. We overcame our infertility and you can too. Infertility is not a battle that you must fight alone. There are many people who can help you to achieve your goals.
Each person is different and responds to treatments to become pregnant in different ways. Therefore, it may be necessary for you and your physician to work on a few different programs to find the one that works for you. The first step, however, will be to learn about the different treatment options and what you can expect from them.
For some people, there are specific physical reasons why they are infertile. Other individuals may have a combination of issues that include hereditary, genetics, traumatic injuries, etc. Although a general physician may be able to assist up to a point, you will find that a physician who specializes in infertility will have more current data and information about specific types of treatment. When you see a fertility specialist, they will perform a series of tests, evaluate your current condition, conduct a thorough examination, and talk to you about your past history.
After collecting all of the results and information, the specialist will be able to give you the information you need to make an informed decision about the treatment program that will be most effective for you. They will also talk about the treatment options that will be most effective and what steps need to be taken to help you reach your goal.
When there is not a condition that requires surgical intervention, a specialist will normally work on the least invasive treatment program. This usually involves medication both orally and in shots that are designed to stimulate the production of eggs and reproduction. There may also be a diet and exercise program suggested to balance your body and help you feel fit.
There are different types of surgical assistance that can be done. A woman with blocked fallopian tubes may find that once the blockage is removed they are able to get pregnant. In some cases the procedure can be accomplished very easily, while in other cases the procedure may require more extensive surgical procedures.
Invitro fertilization is another procedure, which helped us get pregnant. It involves removing eggs from the female, fertilizing them in the laboratory, and replacing them in the uterus. The specialist will normally implant two or more fertilized eggs in the uterus (we implanted two and got twins). This procedure can take an emotional and psychological toll because it does not always take the first time. This option is usually chosen when there is not a way for the eggs to move through the fallopian tubes to become fertilized.
When you talk to the fertility specialist about the female infertility treatment that will be most effective for you, it will be important to listen with an open mind and be aware of the time that it will take to see results. In many cases, treating infertility takes time and effort. It can be discouraging and it will be important to have a network of positive individuals who have faced this difficult challenge and been successful to help you to maintain a positive attitude. We have been successful and are happy to help you in any way.
Heather and Aaren Humpherys suffered from infertility for over 7 years. They are now the parents of 3 children. For some great information on female infertility treatment visit
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine