Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Are you having issues with unexplained infertility? There are many women who are medically alright to conceive but could not get pregnant thereby denying them the joy of becoming mothers. This can be so frustrating. You have been trying for months or even years to have your own baby without success. You could be wondering 'what is wrong with me'? The truth is that many a time we are the architects of our own misfortune which results in this unexplained infertility. Unexplained infertility can be solved by making some changes and adjusting our lifestyles.
There are many things that many women indulge in that can hinder them from getting pregnant. Chief among these reasons is not knowing their ovulation date or period. The Ovulation period is a woman's most fertile period in which if sexual intercourse is well timed will result in conception of a baby. Most women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days, in which ovulation is likely to occur between 12-16 days (after the monthly period stops) with day 14 being the most fertile day although this varies among women. You can also predict your ovulation by getting an ovulation predictor kit. The major advantage of an ovulation kit is that it can give you a yes or no answer. You can get the kits that tests for saliva instead of urine as they are more cheaper and you can reuse them again and again to see changes as they occur.
Unexplained infertility can also be caused by our diets. Eating foods that contains high levels of sugar, preservatives, MSG, artificial colorings, or worse still, eating the ones that causes extreme hormonal imbalance can cause unexplained infertility in women as they hamper the body from having the correct chemical environment for conception to take place. Avoid heavily processed foods like packaged and canned foods. Stop abusing alcohol and stop smoking as they greatly reduces the chances of conception and damages your health.
When trying to get pregnant, try and eat lots of raw and organic foods like fruits and vegetables, cauliflower and broccoli etc. This matters a lot as they create help in detoxifying the body and creates the right chemical environment for conception to take place.
Further more, being overweight or underweight can be a source of unexplained infertility as having the correct body mass index improves a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Indulge in exercises for at least 30 minutes daily as this helps in keeping the body in a tiptop situation. More so, avoid being stressed up, relax, take a holiday if possible as all these helps in boosting your system and to cap it all, always have sexual relations with your partner if possible everyday.
In conclusion...
If you are currently trying to get pregnant with a fertility program that isn't working, then you need to click here to learn more about the successful program known as pregnancy miracle that has helped thousands of couples of conceive in as little as 2-6 months.
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Hello. Good timing as I've been writing about this today as well.
ReplyDeleteWhen you're doing everything right with regard to diet and lifestyle you might then think about your stress levels. Stress is a powerful contraceptive. Perhaps your job is stressful or your homelife. Perhaps you become ever more stressed about becoming pregnant. Finding ways around all of these may be key to your becoming pregnant.
My wife and I (years befoe I became a hypno-psychotherapist) spent four years trying to conceive. I remember well how vile a time it was. I remember how sex became functional, how I hated myself for cursing at every friend's "We're having a baby!" news. I remember welling up when coming across baby aisles in the supermarket. I remember well how the desperation to conceive made me despairing, angry, bitter and selfish.
If I were to go through all that again I would engage in mindfulness, hypno-psychotherapy and I would do my best to forget about conceiving. I would have sex for fun and love (not because it was the right time of the month)and I would do my best to eradicate stress from my life.
Of course, this is difficult but it's doable. You could try to find a well-qualified local hypnotherapist who understands these issues. I wish you all the best.
Paul Hughes (