Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
In all the years since you first became sexually active, all the emphasis was on avoiding pregnancy - and now you can't get pregnant? Who knew it would be so difficult?
It's ironic indeed. But if that's your situation, it's nothing to joke about. On the contrary, couples trying month after month to become pregnant suffer through doubts and fears and too many tears.
Then there is the "trying harder" syndrome which too often leads to even more frustration. And it might even make it worse. Infertility specialists claim stress is a contributing factor, i.e. adding to infertility, in almost 30% of all cases.
Stress Does Affect Fertility
Stress affects each woman differently, so it is difficult for specialists to specify how it works. But doctors have linked stress to higher hormone levels, especially cortisol and epinephrine. Reducing stress has been linked to better conditions in the uterus, improving the rate of egg implantation.
Medical research shows conception rate improvement during months when couples report relatively low levels of stress. And IVF patient studies showed 20% improvement in the number of viable eggs produced during low stress months.
What to Do
The best general advice is to consciously lighten up. Reduce the mental and emotional stress between you and your partner any way you can. Some ways to do that:
- Positive mental attitude - about your fertility prospects and everything else
- Change the subject - every thought does not have to be about "the baby" you want.
- Do not criticize, condemn or complain about your partner's commitment and enthusiasm.
- Enjoy yourself - sex is fun, remember? So enjoy the ride.
Be sure to continue and, when possible, increase your current stress reducing behaviors. Simple things like deep breathing exercises and aerobic exercise should be increased, especially during the most fertile days of your menstrual cycle.
Finally, consider some less common stress reducers that some infertility specialists recommend:
- short naps - 20 minutes is ideal
- relaxation - meditation or guided imagery to relax and bring on a sense well-being
- massage therapy to alter physical response to stress and relax the nervous system
Bottom line: Consciously back off. See stress as the enemy and fight back. Do your part and also be supportive of whatever your partner does to reduce stress.
Donna Williams is a teacher and health educator with personal experience dealing with infertility issues. For more information about infertility stress and specific advice on other infertility issues, visit her website - a resource for couples with concerns about infertility.
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Do you think exercise fits into an infertility de-stressing program? The recommendations here are good, but I am curious if you think someone should do yoga, pilates and other things to help relieve stress. Peter