By Aaren Humpherys and Heather Humpherys
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Do you need help with your infertility woes? Never fear! The past and present are teaming up to help you out. The ancient tradition of acupuncture is coming back to aid its newer brethren in modern medicine, like IUI, in the fight against infertility. If you are one of the 7.3 million infertility sufferers in America, you may find help from the combination of acupuncture and IUI.
Acupuncture may be old but it is still proving to be an effective treatment for infertility. In China, where it originated, acupuncture has been used for around 2,000 years already as a treatment for diseases including the disease of infertility. Traditionally, acupuncturists believed that the body could be treated by modifying its flow of energy or qi (read as chi or chee). This is done through the insertion of needles in specific places and depths in the body. In America today, it has found a place in modern medicine despite the fact that it has no definitive evidence based proof. Both the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health have recognized acupuncture as a viable alternative and complementary treatment for infertility.
IUI stands for intrauterine insemination. This helps out fertility and pregnancy by getting the male sperm into the uterus directly. This means that any problems with the woman's cervix or cervical mucus or the man's penis or sperm mobility are bypassed. The process starts with a sperm "wash". This procedure checks the quality of the sperm to be used in the insemination. Only good quality sperm is used to prevent infections and unwanted side-effects like uterine cramps after the procedure. The sperm is injected into the uterus through a catheter, a long device that goes through a woman's vagina and uterus. Normally, this will result in pregnancy around 15% to 20% of the time. This process is relatively cheap, simple, and painless so it is one of the more popular treatments for infertility.
In tandem, these two procedures are getting better results for their patients. Acupuncture serves as a complementary treatment to IUI, boosting its success rates and helping out the patient before and after the procedure. It does this through many ways. Acupuncture has been effective in directing blood flow and in relation to an IUI treatment it is used to improve the blood flow to the reproductive organs. In a woman, more blood flow to the uterine arteries can result in better egg production from the ovaries and better endometrial lining for the uterus. Acupuncture also helps the body's hormonal balance and immune system as well as providing stress level reduction, all of which lead to higher chances of pregnancy. This may be done one to three months before the IUI procedure as it can take as many as 8 sessions of acupuncture to get the best results. Acupuncture used after the treatment has been shown to reduce the side effects of IUI like cramping or pains as well as miscarriages. With the advantages the two have when working together, these two procedures in tandem can provide you with a great option without resorting to more expensive and invasive procedures like in vitro fertilization.
If you want to try this new team up of traditional and modern medicine you might want to do some extra research on the practice of acupuncture in America. This can easily be done through the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM) and the American Academy for Medical Acupuncture (AAMA). Not only do they host websites that provide essential information about acupuncture, they provide you with resources to find reliable acupuncturists to aid you.
There are some things that just go well together. And when you need help with your infertility problems, acupuncture and IUI can be two of those things that are just right for you.
Heather and Aaren Humpherys suffered from infertility for over 7 years. They are now the parents of 3 children. For some great information on Acupuncture and IUI visit
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Pregnancy Miracle
A. Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
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