Infertility Remedies - How to Use Your Mind & Body When Trying to Get Pregnant
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Pregnancy Miracle
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Infertility remedies are sought after by over 7 million males and females in North America alone. The problem to conceive is on the rise and could be partially due to environmental factors such as pollutants, plastics, pesticides and toxins which are causing an imbalance within your hormonal and reproductive system. However, the most important factor within getting pregnant is more within your control than you might think.
Men and women who have made an effort to connect with their thoughts and feelings about pregnancy have become more in touch with the underlying causes of their infertility problems.
Your mind is like a video camera recording every event, conversation, thought and feeling that has ever happen to you. In your mind, there is the constant self-talk you have with yourself. When you berate or beat up on yourself regarding your infertility issues, you are negative self-talking. It is important to realise any guilt, blame, inadequacy or negative feeling you have is causing a real mind body connection and hormonal release. This hormonal release happens each and every time you engage in your negative self-talk. When this hormonal disruption occurs, sex drive can be lowered, impotency can happen, menstruation may be sporadic and the stress response takes place.
Every time you are self-talking negatively, every single cell in your body is reacting!
As an example, lets say you are employed by a rude, overbearing, critical tyrant of a boss. Your boss is constantly saying how you're not working properly, you're good for nothing and continually asks what's wrong with you? Would you be able to function properly in that particular work environment? Would that be a creative, relaxed environment for you to flourish and manifest your best? Every time you engage in negative self-talk You are treating your cells with the exact same disregard as your make believe boss in the above example.
Modern day medicine has you believing there is an "outside" quick fix, such as fertility drugs or surgery, to heal what ails you on the inside. Favourable infertility remedies are never just about the mind OR body because they don't work independently of each other. The Ancient Eastern civilizations have focused on the mind-body connection for centuries with great success. China's overall infertility rate is 10% while North America's rate is between 15-20%.
To get pregnant, listen to what your body is telling you and listen to what your mind is telling your body. Stop your negative self-talk because it is producing a neurological, hormonal, chemical, and muscular change in your entire body which will effect your fertility. Heed the wise advice of past Eastern Civilizations which have provided simple natural mind/body approaches to help you on your path to pregnancy.
There is no time like the present to take control of nurturing your body and stimulating your reproductive organs. You do have the power to make a difference and get pregnant quickly and naturally. There are plenty of natural INFERTILITY REMEDIES that can help you conceive.
Discover the true story of a woman who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution. A solution which permanently reverses the root of infertility and has proven to help many women get pregnant fast. Visit INFERTILITY REMEDIES
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Pregnancy Miracle
A Powerful & Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility &
Get Pregnant Naturally With Traditonal Chinese Medicine
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