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If you have infertility yoga and other natural "therapies" may be prescribed right alongside the more conventional medical treatments. Natural therapies such as Ayurveda, which is the "medical science" that is in direct connection with yoga and the Traditional Chinese Medicine have been used for centuries to help pull in the whole body, mind and spirit in treating physical and mental ailments. Yoga is especially good for helping to relax the body and ridding it of stress. Stress is a big hindrance of ovulation.
Now a days it isn't uncommon for the highly specialized reproductive endocrinologists to work the natural holistic doctors and specialists in offering a whole treatment to infertility issues to their patients. Many doctors are prescribing yoga therapy to work right alongside the traditional medical procedures to help the infertile patient to achieve success. Not only is yoga prescribed, but natural therapies like acupuncture, massage, etc are used.
Using natural therapies for fertility issues is not novel. Really, conventional medical treatments are the newest ways of treating infertility. Yoga and such has successful been used as natural treatments for centuries, even thousands of years. But it's interesting that even the most advanced conventional physicians are recognizing the need to continue with therapies that help to balance the body and bring on a relaxation that will allow for healing and restoration. All of this holds true for the reproductive system as well as any area of the body.
It is recommended to make total lifestyle changes in addition to using the holistic therapies. Breaking bad habits like smoking and drinking and eating healthier will help the body to heal itself. Lower the intake of caffeine, take vitamin supplements and get plenty of exercise and rest is one of the top pieces of advice you will hear.
It is a known fact that stress can very much stop the reproductive cycle in both women and men. Stress affects the pituitary gland, which is suppressed during stress. The pituitary helps to control the functions of the reproductive system.
Everything in moderation is a good adage to live by. Combining traditional natural holistic medicine with modern conventional medicine gives us a boost in our well being. Conventional medicine focuses on the "issue" while holistic will focus on the body as a whole, since it all works together it is very good to use a little of both when treating the ailments of our bodies. Infertility is one area this is especially helpful. It's worth trying if pregnancy is a desired result that hasn't happened yet.
Lori is a mom of six. Visit her site Recommended Reading | |
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